Award winner
The Power of Why

If you are in the knowledge business and help people professionally with your expert advice, I am sure you would have experienced that there are many people in the world who need your expert advice on a continuation basis, but given the time limitations with you as an expert, you cannot serve all of them on a continuation basis. In order to solve this problem, women in the knowledge business - mentors, coaches, consultants - have been creating membership sites and they have been serving more and more people through their expertise, without giving away too much time out of their life. If you are an expert and you are ready to serve more people and impact the world, then this book is for you.

I am one of the 39 women from across the world who have come together to share their journeys and stories of why they created their membership sites. They share their honest insights into these journeys which unfolded to create their membership sites. These are real women running real businesses, and they are sharing their 'Why' with you so that you can find yours, too.


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The Power of Why has become a #1 International bestselling book on Amazon New Releases in December 2020, in US, UK, Australia and Canada within 5 cathegories:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Motivational Business Management
  • Motivational Management and Leadership
  • Small Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Motivational Management 

This is an e-book for kindle, kindle app and it plays on Alexa as an audio book.


You can buy this book direct from amazon or you can buy it here and I will email you the copy across.

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